A 501(c)3 non-profit organization. This company was inspired by my son, who is a multi-sport athlete in the Marion County community. As a parent, unfortunately, I have witnessed many sports-related injuries that get perceived as minor injuries due to a lack of education and the lack of trained medical professionals available to assess these injuries. Minor injuries may later develop into chronic issues if they go unnoticed. As a bachelor’s-level registered nurse with 9+ years of acute care who is licensed to assess and educate on such injuries, I felt compelled to do more for my community. DC Sports and Wellness was created to educate and limit the number of minor injuries that become chronic problems in the future due to a lack of education or assessments.

Damion Cole Registered Nurse

oUR vision

Dc sports and wellness envision a better and healthier tomorrow for our youth’s within our community:

  • Collaborating with other nonprofit organizations striving to succeed for the betterment of our community.
  • Collaborating with youth and recreational sports programs within our community.
  • Collaborating with organizations focused on educating and mentoring the youth’s in the Marion county community.
  • Collaborating with nutrition focused organizations within the Marion county community.